Best investments for developers
Optimizing the office setup can have a great impact on a developers performance. Here are some things that I wouldn’t want to miss ever again: Big Monitor or multiple Monitors Not having to worry about screen estate is a must. Developers use lots of information from different sources all the time, so you should have a really big…
See changed files between GIT commits
Problem You want to see the changed files between two commits in a GIT repository, e.g. to upload only changes to a webserver. Solution git diff –name-only SHA1 SHA2 Sample git diff –name-only 71d9def3c587ca8d26b8140560f6bb3c89ec9593 HEAD Sources http://stackoverflow.com/a/1552353
Compact and pretty GIT log
Problem You want to see all your commits of a git repository but the default “git log” output is not very nicely formatted and verbose. Solution Use the following command: git log –author=”Your Name” –pretty=”%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d%Creset %s%C(white), %C(green)%ar%Creset” The output will look like this: Of course you could also remove the –author parameter or add the –graph parameter…
Creating a single executable from multiple .NET assemblies
Problem You have a .NET application that uses multiple assemblies but you want it as a single executable. Solution Use ILMerge to merge the assemblies into one executable. Solution (with WPF support) Embed the required assemblies as embedded resources in your project and extend the assembly resolving to check the embedded resources (see second link…
Get PublicKeyToken of an assembly reference from within Visual Studio
Situation You need the public key token of an assembly reference. E.g. to set the InternalsVisibleTo() attribute for a Unit-Test. Problem There is no standard mechanism embedded in Visual Studio (2010). Solution Create a “external tool” entry that calls sn.exe and redirects the output to the output window. Dialog: [Tools] – [External tools…] – [Add]…